"Yapahuva" the the 13th Century capital in Sri Lanka , was made King Buvanekabahu I (1273-1284). Here the chief object is the rock which rises about 300 ft above the surrounding land. The land at the base to the south is fortified with two moats and ramparts . In this enclosure there are the remains of a number of buildings.
The palace and fortress were built by King Buvanekabahu I (1272–1284) in the year 1273. Many traces of ancient battle defaces can still be seen, while an ornamental stairway is its biggest showpiece. On top of the rock are the remains of a sputa, a Bodhi tree enclosure, and a rock shelter/cave used by Buddhist monks, indicating that earlier this site was used as a Buddhist monastery, like many boulders and hills in the area. There are several caves at the base of the rock. In one of them there is a shrine with Buddha images. One cave has a Brahmi script inscription. At the southern base of the rock there is a fortification with two moats and ramparts. In this enclosure there are the remains of a number of buildings including a Buddhist shrine. There is also a Buddhist temple called Yapawwa Rajamaha Vihara built during the Kandyan period.

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